About Legal FoxTV
Legal Fox TV™ is a unique IMDb-credited web series highlighting entertaining & REAL legal cases with a fun and clever twist. The fact-based videos have been referred to as “The Lighter Side of the Law” and “A Tantalizing Take on the Law.” Each episode is summaries a specific legal case or issue and is accompanied by either animations and graphics or quirky re-enactments, all hosted and created by bombshell attorney Shannon Harvey (“Legal Fox™”).
Legal Fox TV™ seeks to educate and entertain and has won multiple awards including “2020 Best YouTube Channel” and “Best Host” at Baltimore Next Media Fest (BNM) and “2019 Best EduTainment” at Miami Web Fest; as well as “2018 Best background Music” at the Toronto Television Feedback Festival; “2018 Best EduTainment Host (Adult)” at Miami Web Fest, and other notable awards in 2017 and 2016.

Legal Fox TV™ – an award winning America web series starring Shannon Harvey (“Legal Fox,”) is a light-hearted, fun and flirtatious look at law. Shannon Harvey delivers legal information and in-the-know news about legal cases that help illuminate the muddy, murky world of legalities that flood our news and entertainment.
What sets Legal Fox™ apart is that it is more than just a pretty face spouting legal facts. Shannon Harvey is an actual lawyer. Her information is vetted, objective, and frankly – useful. In a world where we must decipher exactly what is happening in our media and news outlets, getting clear quick legal background is not just helpful, it’s necessary.
Shannon Harvey is clearly a beautiful media personality, but she’s got the brains to back it up. She’s smart, savvy and delivers short easy-to-understand takes on complex legal issues that we see our every day life. Full of useful tips about how to protect ourselves and our privacy, Harvey’s work and messages are important.
While still being packaged in a fun and entertaining way with clever costumes and lighthearted, often comical, visuals, underneath the packaging is a message about being legally informed in your life. Check out Shannon Harvey! She’s a Legal Fox you don’t wanna miss!
Toronto WildSound Film Festival

"Legal Fox TV™ is an award winning America web series starring Shannon Harvey (“Legal Fox,”) is a light-hearted, fun and flirtatious look at law. Shannon Harvey delivers legal information and in-the-know news about legal cases that help illuminate the muddy, murky world of legalities that flood our news and entertainment.
What sets Legal Fox™ apart is that it is more than just a pretty face spouting legal facts. Shannon Harvey is an actual lawyer. Her information is vetted, objective, and frankly – useful. In a world where we must decipher exactly what is happening in our media and news outlets, getting clear quick legal background is not just helpful, it’s necessary.
Shannon Harvey is clearly a beautiful media personality, but she’s got the brains to back it up. She’s smart, savvy and delivers short easy-to-understand takes on complex legal issues that we see our every day life. Full of useful tips about how to protect ourselves and our privacy, Harvey’s work and messages are important.
While still being packaged in a fun and entertaining way with clever costumes and lighthearted, often comical, visuals, underneath the packaging is a message about being legally informed in your life. Check out Shannon Harvey! She’s a Legal Fox you don’t wanna miss! "
Toronto WildSound Film Festival

Shannon Harvey, Esq.
Of course, there would be no “Legal Fox™" without the Lawyer! The show's host, writer and creator, Shannon, is also a practicing attorney licensed in Florida, New York, and federal court.
The “Legal Fox™" persona started its roots prior to the Legal Fox TV™ web series. Ms. Harvey was known in her professional and social circles for using legal phrases in a way to create provocative double entendres, therefore being affectionately referred to as a “fox.” Soon thereafter “Legal Fox” slowly blossomed. Its first official public debut was Legal Fox TV™ on YouTube.
When the fox is not "EduTaining" she runs her law office and represents clients in probate, guardianship, entertainment law and Intellectual property matters. Her office, Law Office of Shannon Harvey, P.A., has had the glory of representing the United States Department of Justice during its multi-year term as Private Counsel..
Harvey holds a Juris Doctorate degree with honors from University of Miami School of Law.
Underneath Shannon’s playfulness and love affair with the law is a strong soulful side that meditates often, teaches dharma, and volunteers with the terminally ill.
She also loves trotting around the globe.
A million kisses to her fans as they join her in exploring “The Lighter side of Law” !